Thursday, December 28, 2006

Plants and more

Funny how these seem to have gone out of fasion: Anisodontea

'Elegant Lady' is a super hybrid. Anisodontea capensis is great as a garden plant or for landscape rehabilitation. They're relatively short lived perennials, so just don't expect them to last forever! They like well-drained soil and lots of sun. Watch out for whitefly and root rot.


Friday, December 22, 2006

Plants, plants, plants and me

This is my blog: Lots more to come, and here's me!

Some good sites

Can I work out how to get website links onto my blog? Naaaahhh. Anyhow: if you love SA plants look into these: www.newplant, . Bulb Association of South Africa to the Botanical Society of South Africa site for information about plants native to southern Africa and related topics. explorer - featuring the diversity of life we encounter in southern Africa Share the beauty of the plants, flowers, scenery and wildlife of Fernkloof Nature Reserve with us. Home to Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens Here you will find three datasets:· Interactive Flora of Southern & Southern Tropical Africa· Trees of Southern Africa· Interactive Mesembs

Sympathy for the devil

Invader plants are one of the greatest threats to biodiversity worldwide - nevertheless, many people feel 'sorry' for all the plants that get destroyed. Killing is never pleasant, but we must be pragmatic: Do we really want monocltures of bluegums and Lantana instead of our own flora?
I even read a letter to the press where a lady was accusing botanists of 'selfishness'. Amazing how emotional the debate, which should be scientific, becomes!

Toxic treasures in the picture at left (Nephrolepis and Lantana).